Our products from LOD Protect

Some words about UV technologies


Viruses and bacteria, are microorganisms which are present in our environment, in the AIR.

Now, we know that severel viruses are able to contamined the air of a closed area (office, .meeting room, sport room,...). For COVID, It is probably the main source of contamination (before contact and one meter contamination)


The UV lamps from LOD Protect Group guarantee you a disinfection of close area without people UV-C exposure .

UV lamp for AIR disinfection

 Since few weeks, we offered a whole new range of UV disinfection equipment to carry out AIR disinfection in all types of premises. These devices combine designer lighting and air handling equipment


With this range we can disinfect :

- offices, sports halls, manufacturing workshops,

- places open to the public (banks, hotels, restaurants, doctors' offices, notarial offices,...),

- and even vehicles (buses, trains,...).


Contact us and we can offer you the appropriate and anti COVID certified equipment .



material tested on COVID by the INSERM

 Cleannix®, your LOD'Air® range distributor , advises and help you in your choice of LOD Protect equipment

Plug and Desinfect Systems


A table UV lamp for create a protected buble ?

table LOD'Air




A UV lamp for medical waiting room?





A UV lamp for your office room?

ARCH'Air !



Not anougth space for a table LOD'air :  

SUP'Air !


Wired Systems

You are an industriel, or a farmer, you want to have fixed system to avoid theft. Prefer the wired range from LOD Protect.


discreet in a meeting room or in a waiting room :

the LOD'Air wall lamp



light above a meeting table : 

the LOD'Air suspension



Practical in all case :

the LOD'Air ceiling



to replace your old ceiling slab by a new one with UV desinfection : 

the LOD'Air Kill Vid


bigger and more powerfull systems


the BAZOOK'Air : more than 90w of Light Of Disinfection