Bacteria are naturally present in large quantities in air, water, soil, plants, animals and humans. These microorganisms are capable of colonizing all environments even the most extreme (large seabed, ...).
While some bacteria are pathogenic (harmful to humans) a majority play a beneficial role for our ecosystem or our body :
• for example, probiotics are a form of dietary supplement. They promote digestion.
• other bacteria specialized in fermentation, are used for the manufacture of many foods (cheeses, beers, yoghurts...)
Bacteria are invisible but they are part of our life cycle and our environment. With biotechnology, bacteria are used as real tools for their positive functions. The Cleannix® Spray and the 'Allergen Protected' covers come from this technology. Rigorously selected for their quality, these products will bring you comfort and well-being.
The Cleannix Anti-Acariens spray® based on essential oils, makes the Cleannix treatment sustainable.
Our spray is alcohol-free, no propellant gas, non-staining, non-irritating. it can be sprayed on sheets, blankets, curtains, cushions, pillows, plush toys, as well as carpets or carpets.
It greatly reduces the proliferation of mites and sanitizes your bedding as well as all your inner fabrics. It contains essential oils that diffuses a sweet and pleasant smell.
For further information, contact your local Cleannix®. The effectiveness of the Cleannix spray® will be increased tenfold if your mattress is thoroughly cleaned before according to our allergen-removal process, because even dead a mite is a source of allergy!
Please, read the employment precautions before any use.
18,00 €
TTC, frais de port non compris
Frais de port offerts dans les pays suivants: Autres pays Réduire
Allergies, acariens, moustiques, stress, transpiration ...peuvent perturber votre sommeil. Le matelas est la base de vos nuits réparatrices et il est trop souvent négligé. Sur devis uniquement, nous vous proposons une gamme complète de protèges matelas et oreillers haut de gamme qui optimise votre confort de sommeil.
Sa structure tridimensionnelle se caractérise par une excellente élasticité, et la régulation de l'humidité. Selon vos troubles du sommeil (transpiration importante, allergie aux acariens, stress ...), vous pourrez opter pour une version tridimensionnelle, une version à microcapsules ou une version imperméable (Waterproof).
Fruit d’années de recherche par le leader mondial du textile d’ameublement, le modèle Allergen Protected, par exemple, réduit de 90% la quantité d’allergènes de façon 100% naturelle, par la libération de probiotiques (bactéries amies)
Livrées avec une housse de voyage, ces protections haut de gamme vous accompagnent lors de vos déplacements et vos voyages.